Well, it's not that late (I keep very strange hours-I blame it on BP, etc, but I think I'd be like this anyway. And I do have another episode of Dexter to watch.) I'm feeling unusually wicked tonight, so surfs up!
1. Have you ever used the five second rule?
My answer-yes, but only if there's not too much cat hair on it.
2. Have you ever kissed someone and realized halfway through the kiss that
they were the worst possible kisser on the planet? And what did you do?
My answer-Eww! Yes, and it was like being mauled by a St. Bernard. I
pushed him away, wiped off my mouth and spat several times and then
just for the hell of it, I slapped him. He thought it was foreplay. He kept
calling me for months.
3. Have you ever had to pull tinsel out of your cat (or dog's) butt because
they ate it off the Xmas tree?
My answer-how the hell could I make that up?
4. Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in a public place only to
wake up because you were snoring so loud that a crowd of onlookers had
My answer-on the bus, in the movies, on a train, in an airport...
5. Have you ever accidently swallowed a bug? And did it make you vomit?
My answer-yes. In a restaurant in Florida. It was a cockroach in my iced
tea. And I made them pay for the meal
and the dry cleaning.
6. Have you ever read a post in here by someone so insensitive and
narcissisitic that you dashed off an angry reply-only to erase it?
Who was it?
My answer-OMG yes. And it was mostly Z and fuzzybear. (Tea laughs
wickedly-almost got you!) I so wish I could still get stoned.
7. What is your favorite lie to tell people when they won't leave you alone?
My answer-I have leprorsy and I'm resting right now.
8. What was, or is, your favorite fantasy about killing your current or ex
spouse, lover, bf, gf, etc?
My answer (and many of you know why!) was to drill a nail through his
forehead and do the happy dance! Or a nail gun would have been cool.
9. Have you ever been so drunk that you woke up with someone you didn't
know and then realized in horror that you couldn't leave because you
were at
your house?
My answer-more than once. (Don't judge-I was self medicating.)
10. What is your favorite, guilty night time snack?
My answer-depends on how much cat hair is on it.
Hope I made you laugh. Tea