Thread: No Doctor
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Default Jun 23, 2014 at 04:45 PM
One of the problems about diagnosis is that insurance companies require a common diagnosis, or they give trouble about paying. maybe this doesn't apply to you, so I don't mean to digress. Anyway, I have Avoidant Attachment disorder, but my clinic puts down Bi-Polar so the insurance co won't balk.
The avoidant disorder is to cover the dependency longings that are too scary to admit to the doc, or anyone. It is such a challenge because we have to put on a front of being independent, strong, and cool, while underneath it's just the opposite. It helps me to practice inside my head how I'm going to say something to my T. I have to go over and over it to save face and not appear weak or needy. A real bummer there. But somehow, the therapist and staff need to know what you really feel is your diagnosis. We are so very good at hiding that even a good therapist can be thrown completely off the trail.
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