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Default Jun 28, 2014 at 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Alexis_777 View Post
I am new to the site and I am not sure if this is the right forum/thread. I have recently started marriage counseling with my husband. Our therapist is male. I believe I am having erotic transferrence issues and I believe it's best to terminate the therapy relationship and look for another. I am considering terminating via email. I have read that the proper thing to do is let my therapist know. However, I do not trust myself to do so in person. Also, on the phone I feel I may bumble out my thoughts about him. Any advice on how to terminate?
Hello Alexis, welcome to Psych Central. You can send an email or write a letter. Maybe you could let the office manager know instead if there is one. I think in this instance that you are right to terminate as it is couples counseling and you don't need that sort of transference as an added issue. Good luck!



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