Prettyjolly, I'm not sure that's want I meant exactly in my post, that we not supposed to be happy. Happiness after all is just a passing emotion. I do believe we are on interdependent on each other, and in helping others we do create our own happiness at times.
I think its when I see myself as alone is when I feel at more worse and my depression can make me feel as if I'm alone. But as we know when we do express how we're feeling, others often feel that way too.
If happiness is what we feel we should be feeling then we are prone to disappointment. Life is like the seasons, sometimes there's sunshine, sometimes theres cloud but it never stays the same its fluid.
I will say my best times are when I'm just feeling "myself" thats a priceless feeling and if we can help someone else be "thereselve" also then thats double good LOL