Growing up my role models were less than perfect, and it's left me clueless on how to be alone or even function normally in the adult working world. I have periods where I am defensive snappish and severely angry to the point of explosion, anything and everyone in my path become a target. I attribute this back to my father especially. But any noise or tone or inflection makes me so agitated I can barely sit still. It's almost like a blinding rage, I care nothing for anyone else's lives or feelings when I am in that moment, it's almost like a matter of defending my pride against something I feel so strongly about. I realize growing up my father constantly picked fights against his children the entire world and acted as though winning was the only possible outcome and to achieve that at any goal no matter how small the argument. If he felt disrespected or be little he'd attack until there was nothing left of the other person. As I have grown older and into my own confused state, I was wondering if anyone had any coping methods with allowing trust to come into a situation and overcoming fear of anger?