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Old Jul 25, 2014, 05:45 PM
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Shmooey Shmooey is offline
Member Since: Jul 2014
Location: my fort
Posts: 200
All the next generation anti-psychotics will cause weight gain in some people. Zyprexa's the worst of the lot. I've been on Geodon and Abilify, both supposedly weight neutral drugs, and I gained 89 pounds. Just changed back to Haldol.

Your pdoc is going to be the one to talk to. Don't fool around with your meds yourself. I halved my Abilify because I was so upset about my weight, and four days later, I was psychotic again.

Good luck.
the world is too loud

Dx: Schizoaffective Disorder Depressive Type, PTSD, and Agoraphobia.

Current meds: 30 mg Haldol, 10 mg Lexapro, 100 mg Lamictal, 0.5 mg Klonopin PRN