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Member Since Sep 2012
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Default Jul 27, 2014 at 10:41 AM
Wow, thank you guys so much for so many replies, and so fast!

Originally Posted by kaliope View Post
im kinda embarrassed to answer this cause what if my friends see it and then they will know I have a sex toy at being single for 14 years I need something....but I suffer the same shameful thoughts...what if I die and my kids find it when they clean out my underwear drawer...but then I figure what the hell...they know I have been alone..i think it is the shame that has been drilled into us about masturbation that makes us think this way..we have to fill our minds with the research that it is totally healthy and normal and feels good to get over that bad programmed stuff. simply put, it is wrong. there is nothing wrong with feeling good. were not hurting anybody by doing it. so go buy your toy and enjoy.
Well, I really appreciate you risking being 'caught' to answer my question! Thank you for your input!

Originally Posted by Onward2wards View Post
The guilt is a bunch of puritanical social / tribal garbage. Throw those thoughts where they belong - IN the garbage!!!
In the name of humanity and reason, please, go. ahead. and. buy. another. one. Empower yourself.
Well, when you put it like that Trick with me is, all my guilt is self-inflicted. No negative external forces telling me it's 'wrong,' just me.

Originally Posted by Middlemarcher View Post
A year ago I was post-divorce, deeply in therapy, started dating my boyfriend, who is quite adventurous... And it was like discovering my body and solo/partnered sex for the first time. I bought sex toys for the first time (I got curious because of his collection), and ho boy, let's just say that if I die and someone other than my partner cleans out my things, they are gonna get an eyeful! I figure that whatever happens to me when I die, I'm not going to be likely to care about who sees my sex toys. Not to mention the fact that it's statistically very unlikely that I'm going to die anytime soon.
If it isn't important to you that they look realistic, there are maybe a few dildos out there (generally glass, metal, or ceramic) that look more like art objects than dildos. But unfortunately, there are a lot fewer discreet, non-realistic dildos than other toys, like vibrators.
You make some very good points, thank you. As for the 'artistic' toys, well, the one's I'm interested in are fairly, well, you'd know what they were if you found one!

Originally Posted by Frankbtl View Post
Hi AppalachianAxis, as for the justifying it bit, you don't have to justify anything about it!!! It is what it is, and certainly not abnormal!!
And the "OMG I have a dildo hiding in my room, what is wrong with me?!," if you were trying to hide it on the dining room table when you were having friends around for dinner, then there might be something wrong with you but hopefully you're a long way from that .
And besides, where did we get the "hiding" bit from???? Do you reckon maybe "keeping it" is the better term???
But you know, guilt in just having/using one is coming across quite a bit there. Do you think maybe you could pin down where some of that guilt is coming from (if you don't already know) and find some ways to challenge that guilt and work through it?
Because you would be doing nothing that hundreds of thousands (figures not researched based there but you get the message) of other people aren't/wouldn't be doing.
And "I had irrational concerns such as, "If I were to die today, someone would find...". Do you really want to live the rest of your life as a pillar of strict "morality" or almost complete innocence........not doing this, not doing that in case, or do you want to live!
There is so much out there including. To experience, to enjoy, why let it pass you by when life can be so short anyway, just because?
And if someone who cared about/loved you found it when, you'd ***** expect them to remember the so many other aspects of you, right? Their memories, all the big and little things they cared about/loved you for, right?? I would!
And in the bigger picture finding something like that should seriously fade in significance (if it had any!) besides all the other things.
But please don't feel awkward or embarrassed about talking about these kind of things on here. It is important to talk about them if they are bothering you, and there are so many non-judgmental, open-minded people on here.
Still, thank you for sharing as much as you did, and I hope you can talk more if you need to.

Thank you very much for such an extensive response! You make so many great points. Firstly, I like your suggestion of 'keeping' it instead of 'hiding' it, just that wording puts me in a position of control. As for the guilty thing, yes, it's very strong, and I'm working on it. I've been in Sex Therapy sessions for a good while now, and I do have a good idea on where it comes from, it actually plays heavily into what you say latter in your post. When you ask if I want to live my life as a pillar of strict motility and innocence, the answer is yes, I do. I've always tried to. And trying to come to terms with the fact that sexual activity isn't anything that takes away from that ideal is my main struggle, but I'm working on it!
Thank you again for your response. It means a lot.

I'm thinking I'm determined to get one. I just know I have to do it for the right reasons. I can't do this on some horny whim, or I know I'll regret it. I have to make this choice in order to better myself, to understand myself, and accept myself. I need to do this to 'get better' not to 'get off.'

Thanks once again everyone for your responses, I really appreciate it!
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