Jul 30, 2014 at 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by buzz bee
Raising children is tough, but very rewarding. However there is a difference between them. If you have a boy and girl, which one is -was the easiest to raise?
I would say my son hands down.
Maybe your daughter just requires more comfort or has a different personality? Maybe she is more emotional and requires more attention? Maybe you need to view her personality in a different way. I really hope you do not tell her that your son is "hands down" easier to raise. That kind of comparison is something a parent should never do. This comes off as some sort of favoring to me. All children should be treated equally and should never feel that they are the "difficult" child.
“I'm so good at beginnings, but in the end I always seem to destroy everything, including myself.”
“I told her once I wasn’t good at anything. She told me survival is a talent.”