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Default Aug 04, 2014 at 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by krisakira View Post
Sorry to have to say this, but the world does not owe you sex, and neither does your wife. Your marriage is more than just sex. If you feel you can't handle this, then you need to divorce your wife before you start having sex with other people. My husband only wants sex maybe once a month. But marriage is more than the ability to stick your **** into something.
I don't agree with this. You're right, the WORLD doesn't owe you sex, but the person who MARRIED you should take care of your sexual needs. You cannot expect someone to just accept the fact that you're not in the mood for having sex, when they clearly need it. It is clear that unplugmealready has a normal, healthy need for sex, just like any husband would. He does not sound like a guy that is oversexed, he sounds like a normal guy that is being starved. Why should it be OK that his wife is withholding sex? It's not OK.

Unplugmealready, I think you've got some problems in your marriage and I think you and your wife have actually drifted apart because of some deeper reason, and the no sex problem is just a surface problem, a side-effect if you will. Please try not to have an affair though, and don't threaten your wife with it either. I know you said she seems bossy at times and you suffer in silence, I know she seems strong and stubborn, but it will hurt her very much. It's the non-verbal messages that hurt the most in life, and an affair is nothing more than a non-verbal way of telling your spouse that they don't do it for you anymore, without any explanation. You're going to have to sit down with her some time and talk with her, and tell her you think something is not right, it's the only way. You've got to dig a little. Even if she clams up, you just back off and you're back on her the next day. And, tell her, you're not going to give up that easily, you WANT to know what is going on, because you value your marriage to her and you love her. She cannot just do things (or refuse to do things in this case) and then clam up and refuse to offer an explanation. I know it's hard to push a loved one for answers but you may find that there is something really bad going on that you never even knew about. It might not even be about you, it could be something else entirely that has taken such a toll on her emotionally that she doesn't even want sex. It sounds like she maybe has depression. But, don't be shocked. It can happen to the happiest of people in the world. It's not something that affects only certain people. And, it strikes you in life when you least expect it, and most of the time you can't tell that depression is your loved one's issue all along. Sufferers don't appear sad at all, they appear very normal! But, you can tell though, in a very subtle way - it is like the person is not the same person you knew a few months/years ago. They've slowly changed somehow, but you can't tell how. They don't seem sad, the don't seem to fail at things, but somehow there's a different "vibe" to your relationship now. That's normally something that gives it away. So, I think the first thing you should do is check if she's doing normal things differently than the way you normally expect her to do something. A change in sleeping and eating patterns are normally a sign. But, you're going to have to discuss this with her.

If she really doesn't want to open up, then ask her directly if she still even wants to be married to you. Explain it to her that you have needs in the marriage and they are not being met and you want to know why, you have a right to know why because you guys are bounded by marriage. Marriage is not a joke, it's a serious commitment and should be respected and treated as such. If it's not working, you owe it to each other to find a solution, otherwise there's no point being married then and you might as well get a divorce.
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Thanks for this!