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Default Aug 10, 2014 at 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by The_little_didgee View Post
I have this problem too. I'm 36 and never had a close female friendship. The few friends I have are male. These are real friendships that don't involve benefits.

Women seem to use a lot of nonverbal communication. I cannot seem to decode it no matter how hard I try. It would be so much easier if they were a lot more direct. Men tend to be more direct which makes navigating social interactions with them a lot easier.

The other reason I cannot seem to form friendships with other ladies is my lack of interest in things that most ladies seem to enjoy. I'm not interested in makeup, clothing, having children, getting married etc... For example, I haven't met one lady who is interested in mycology and willing to go look for mushrooms with me.

Ladies who meet me for the first time show initial interest but soon lose it. It happens all the time so I don't expect anything.

I'm a loyal friend. I'm also kind, ethical and honest. I don't gossip, backstab, and commit other nasty acts and drama. I tend to be cautious around other women, because I have been a target of a lot of their nasty acts.

Sorry, I don't know what to suggest. Socializing is really hard for me, because I'm also shy and introverted.
You're right, most women tend to be more indirect. I'm not good at reading their social cues either unless it's obvious. At least you're able to have some good friendships with male friends that is nothing more than that. I don't trust most guys. I only have one good male friend that I rarely ever see, but we keep in touch on FB.

Sorry to hear about your situation. Have you tried looking for female friends to go mushroom picking with you on It's free to join and there is a group for just about everything on there. You can even start your own group, but you have to pay them a monthly fee for that.

I'm the same way as you are. I'm loyal and I'm not into backstabbing and being nasty, fake, etc...I'm sorry to hear that you were a target of some women's nastiness- I have been bullied a lot by other females for most of my life. I rarely get bullied anymore, but I have been bullied online by a few nasty females. They have no problem acting "tough" on here and when they're in groups, LOL! I don't get why some women tend to be so passive-aggressive and judgmental, ugh!

I'm going to send you a friend request now and maybe we can chat sometime? I find that I tend to get along the most with other shy women, or those who are independent thinkers.

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Thanks for this!