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Default Aug 15, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Perna View Post
You have to make the bed, do the dishes, most other household tasks often or things look "bad". It's like antidepressants, they don't make you happy, they just make you "even"/not depressed. Most household tasks are small and repetitive so there is not much bang for the buck but if you let things slide, they all get out of balance and you get mess everywhere and clutter, the "doing"/experiential equivalent to depression. Action is the antidepressant that clears up the whole thing back to "even" until the next time you fail to keep up and slip into the black hole of household chaos, muahahaha. . . cough cough
Originally Posted by Can't Stop Crying View Post
I was once told = a cluttered house represents a cluttered mind...
That's pretty much the way it works for me. Also or maybe this is just repeating the above posts but I look at the mes and the clutter and my mind says "that's your head symbolically... and you can fix that at least"
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Thanks for this!
anneo59, happiedasiy