Aug 17, 2014 at 06:37 AM
For me many times other things are more important to me. I like to have things in there place and feel the reward when I "feel like" cleaning. But I'm not overly sensitive to it - my time may be more important doing something else - I do not pressure myself that the house is not tidy too - it's ok - I will get to it when I can.
Was not always like that - my x lived in a lot of clutter. He was OK with that and I fought it and would get angry a lot. Finally a compromise - he could clutter the office. Or if I saw his clutter & it bothered my I would move it to his office. When we would clean the house - he would say: "Now, everything is right in your world".
If I could afford a maid I would not bother to clean - I have other things I want to do.
There is no right answer for everyone.
“A person is also mentally weak by the quantity of time he spends to sneak peek into others lives to devalue and degrade the quality of his own life.” Anuj Somany
“Psychotherapy works by going deep into the brain and its neurons and changing their structure by turning on the right genes. The talking cure works by "talking to neurons," and that an effective psychotherapist or psychoanalyst is a "microsurgeon of the mind" who helps patients make needed alterations in neuronal networks.” Norman Doidge