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Default Aug 17, 2014 at 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by doggiedo View Post
I think men and women might view this a little differently, but I wonder what you all think.

A friend of mine is single, around 36 and male. We were talking the other day about how many partners he thinks is too many- or at what point he would not sleep with a someone because of how many partners she has had. I, for example, and 34 and have had 8 partners. I'm feelig pretty crappy about that lately. When I ask my female friends what they think is average for a woman my age, they say like 3-5. Then I ask my guy friends and they say 10-15.

What is average for a single woman and a single male at age 35? Should I feel bad? I have never had a one night stand-and everyone I have had sex with have been men I've been in a committed relationship with and truely care about. But why, after my conversation with my guy friend do I feel like crap?

He asked me if I regret any of it. I said no. Again- I was in a committed relationship with a guy -at the time, who I probably thought I could end up bein with for a long time and/or marrying. So why do I still feel like dirt?
I think there is no "average" and it doesn't matter anyway... and how many is too many... that's something that only you can decide. You are the one judging yourself and personally I think you're being way too hard on yourself.
I don't get the question of should you feel bad. You do feel bad. The next question should be why you feel bad. I think that when you understand that you should be able to resolve this. I don't think you should feel bad.
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