Ok this might go over like a lead balloon but here goes...
I was rather pleased to hear that the Sanity Store had openned here though when I refocused my eyes.. it was the Sanity Score. Does not meet my shopping needs.
I know that there are days when I am feeling good and days when I know I am a bit neurotic, etc... There was a time in my therapy where this thought alarmed me but there were sweatshirts available in a catalog (Signals?) that had a University emblem that said Neurotic State and Psychotic State. I am at a phase of my therapy that I would take one of each... for those times in my life I might find it of humor.
I suppose that might be in bad taste but hoped that I might find them in the Sanity Store... shucks. lol
ps Anyone know where I could find one.
I shared this with my pdoc of 15 years ago and he roared.