I think, yes, it may be because the new T is still "new" and you may still be grieving loss of the old T.
When I terminated therapy in 1987 after 9 years with my T because I had to move, change jobs, etc. suddenly I couldn't access my "inner" self. I was all surface, doing quite well, all the things I "should" be but felt like I had no feelings, like they were all partying down below only I couldn't figure out how to get to them :-) This lasted several years and it was only after starting to see my T again in 1996 that I realized all the changes (leaving T after 9 years, my home I'd lived in for 13 years, all my friends, my old job, etc.) had swamped me. So, your supposition makes a huge amount of sense to me!
Can you tell your new T about your pain of loss and betrayal by your old T at all?
I don't know if this will sound far out to you but I read Women Who Run With the Wolves at one point when I was still having some trouble figuring out what I was feeling and got a better sense of the underneath feelings working with/for me (rather than against me and thinking of them as "blocking" me). Maybe see if you can change your sense of frustration to a feeling of thanks because you are unconsciously helping yourself with some problem, your head just isn't sure what it is :-) "Trust" yourself to take care of yourself well and the parts of you might loosen up and talk to each other better? Speaking of unconscious; I had huge breakthroughs when I started looking at my dreams and what they seemed to be saying? Don't know if you remember yours or record/work with them at all but that helped me see better. I'd keep on journaling too, but "hopefully" that eventually you'll talk to yourself better again.
Work on understanding easy things with your new T? Sometimes small things can be as important as the bigger picture? I remember my T asking me about the blinds (was the sun bothering me or telling me it was bothering her, personally) and asking me was I too hot or too cold. Concentrate on little personal things like that, notice the "decorations" in her office, any little nic nacs you like or don't like, how the furniture is arranged, how comfortable your chair is/isn't and compare it to her chair (I got the "good" chair and my T got the cheap office desk chair and put her feet up on another chair -- At one point, because I was trained by my stepmother to believe it was impolite/wrong to put your feet on furniture, I scolded my T for doing so :-) Check with yourself to see if you feel guilty for seeing a new T, whether there's any sense of you abandoning the old one even though you were betrayed; maybe you feel the betrayal was your fault, and you're unworthy to have a new T, etc.