Originally Posted by Sister Rags
I'm very confused with regard to my own perimenopause. I'm sure I must be perimenopausal (I'm 51), yet my periods are regular. The only difference I've noticed about myself is horrible anxiety/dread and a tendency toward irritability. Those things began when I was 50. I assume they have something to do with perimenopause.
They probably are affected by your hormonal changes going on. I am 56, and just completed the process. As I said in a prior post, I was regular till the last 2 years or so. The only signs I had that I was in peri was the mood swings and night sweats. For some women it takes 10+ years to go thru it and others a lot less. Be sure to talk to your MD about this. You might need hormone replacement. I was thinking about it towards the end of my process. There are also natural supplements that are supposed to help.