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Default Aug 30, 2014 at 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Ryan.l.s View Post
as a man how would you reveal (to your significant other or to a close friend) about your abusive past? Would you only tell them if they (for whatever reason) asked, or would you want to someday tell them in order to feel closer to them?

I'm asking this because in all honesty, I wouldn't be able to tell anyone, and if someone asked I'd lie about it or downplay it.
it's embarrassing to not be able to fight back / defend myself and even more embarrassing that im a boy.
Absolutely not, I would not reveal anything. As someone else pointed out, it will only do more harm than good. In fact it would do NO GOOD.

The right place to open up about such stuff is therapy. Professionals are equipped to deal with such matters and can help you feel better and cope and move on. Your friends, SO, and family, most likely, are NOT equipped to deal with this kind of stuff.
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