Sep 04, 2014, 02:59 AM
Member Since: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana, USA
Posts: 1,256
If your employer has a different company handling medical leaves you should have no problem. Technically that company doesn't have the authority to tell your employer why you are out. If they (the outside company) approves you they are only "allowed" to release the approval notification. That has to do with confidentiality rules. Now if you have to have special accommodations those have to be released to the employer because those can't be approved by the outside company.
Dream Big..... Wish Big..... Believe Big......
PTSD possible bipolar
Meds: propranalol 20mg 2x's(blood pressure), lamictal 300mg, seroquel 100mg, effexor 75mg, sprycel 100mg (CML, chronic myeloid leukemia), iron supplement, multivitamin