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Default Sep 07, 2014 at 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by shakespeare47 View Post
Is this normal? I've had fantasies for several years. My wife isn't all that interested in sex, even though when we were dating, she talked like she was. She claims it's not something she can do anything about. I tend not to believe her... she knows it's an issue, but refuses to seek a solution, despite the fact it is an issue for me.

Anyway, I fantasize about finding a sexual partner who is into sex.... I'd love to find someone who enjoys having an orgasm. I've never even been with a woman who had an orgasm... and I wonder what that is like...

I grew up as a Christian, and now identify as an atheist. I still have some very conservative values, and sometimes I wonder just why that is. I do care about ethics.... I know a little about various forms. I tend to be a utilitarian... The greatest good for the greatest amount of people sounds pretty good to me. So, I can't justify actually having an affair, because there is too much potential for harm.
Is there no way you can make your wife orgasm? That's the reason why she says she is not interested in sex - because she is not enjoying it enough! It sounds like she is desperately trying to tell you this but not trying to hurt your feelings so she says things like "There's nothing I can do about it" - i.e. The ball is in YOUR court is what she is actually saying!!! Sorry to have to tell you this stuff so bluntly buddy, but that's what it sounds like to me.

But, nobody's at fault or anything. A female orgasm is not so easy to achieve, some women are more difficult and take some work. You'll have to read up a bit AND then still also ask your wife what she likes (very important!!! You can read all the manuals you like and then you come to your woman and she says "nah, I hate that!" Then you're stuffed and it's back to the drawing board.), but it's not such a mission. Do you ever do things like oral on her or lot's of foreplay? That usually sets any woman off!

Look, OK, I've never been married, and I don't know how the "knowing each other like the back of your hands" factor comes into play, but I've been with a reasonable amount of women (not something I'm proud of at all) and with all I can say they can orgasm after 10-20 minutes just oral. Some are quicker, some can take 40 minutes! If that is the case, she is not relaxed enough with you when it comes to sex, or feels you are judging her or something, and it might be little things you are saying that's triggering it, you never know. But, I mean, from personal experience, women really love foreplay very much and even more than sex. My rule: ladies first! And if they want seconds, thirds or more before I get mine, she's more than welcome! I only give her the full daddy upon request when she has had enough foreplay and wants the real McCoy .

Maybe some toys and stuff won't hurt either. And remember it's a two-way street, if you want to use your mouth "there" and you think it's too hairy or whatever, then say, "It would look so hot and I'd like it so much if you could shave a little down there" or even turn it into a game "If you shave for me down there, I'll give you a nice surprise". Sadly though, if you don't feel too good about it and don't really enjoy your wife's body that much anymore, then you guys unfortunately are having some deeper problems. Also, if she turns down the new, more creative attention you want to give her and says "Oooh, I don't want that" or "rather not" then you guys need to talk. There's something else going on. Remember, wives can withhold sex for numerous reasons, not just because they're not finding it enjoyable. If you think about it, it's the only leverage they've got in a marriage, because the man is in control of pretty much everything else on a non-50/50 basis.

I really hope what I said can help a bit (if you're already doing all this, then I don't know, I'm stumped ), because you don't want to go down "Affair Road". It's the worst way to hurt someone. You are saying to that person non-verbally "You're not a good enough lover for me anymore, and not even your best attempts at love can fulfil me anymore". That will kill them inside, trust me.

And, you need to do something about this now, because the last thing you want is your wife "needing" the services of another guy! At least with toys, it's not another man! I don't want to frighten you, but it seems to be a very real danger in your marriage when I read what you say. She is not saying she is not satisfied, but it sounds like she is not satisfied. That's never good! You need to act like in YESTERDAY, seriously.

Good luck, I hope it all works out. And, another plus, you're wife will love you for it, the new, improved you, suddenly with all these new wild and erotic skills!
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