I'm surprised you would want to take it on in terms of "I am" -- are you, yourself, resisting treatment? Or is it simply the condition that been resistant to a cure?
I am not saying it in a way that I am letting it define me. I don't have a problem with labels in general that may apply to me or let them define me.
I am suggesting there's an inherent value in knowing and utilizing the meaning of already established terminology. I don't myself much want to be described with words that were only ever meant to describe my condition's resistance to a family of drugs that only has 50% efficacy anyway.
Your point is well taken. Definitions and commonly agreed upon terminology is very important and we need them in order to communicate. I still think it is dated and narrow in its definition. Not that it matters but still not sure if it applies to me. I have not responded adequately to adequate courses of at least two antidepressants, and more than that but I have responded adequately to some. Based on the exact definition from 1974 it is not a very useful term in my view.
My post was more about a rant/diatribe on the protracted nature of my depression and pouring out my frustrations with it.
I was initially struck with the first paragraph of this thread by DocJohn.
I now understand that the trials and tribulations of people who suffer from treatment resistant depression can be a unique and debilitating journey.
Trials, tribulations, journey, unique, debilitating. I would be interested to know what the context of his thinking was on the term when he wrote that. I read more into that then the failure of two SSRI's for example, but I was reading into it.