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Default Sep 28, 2014 at 02:18 PM
Hi Serenity, I know so much "logical" thinking can go out the window when you just get that "feeling" and there's very little else that makes any real sense to you when you're just so sure "It has to be about me/something I've said/something I've done...........".
And hopefully, if it is it can be resolved as you two have been so close but what stands out is "she's going through a rough time with a break up".
And I'm sure deep down that you have an idea how tough that must be on her too right??
Perhaps have a think about, write down if it helps, some of the things she may be feeling and some of the thoughts she may have been thinking over the break up??? Turn it a little more around to her???
And you know, she may want some time on her own, that's understandable isn't it??
She may feel that other people don't really understand how hard it is, and either not want to talk to them or even be irritable or abrupt with them. Break up's can sometimes make people feel that way, even with close friends, even if those friends do understand.
So maybe send her a text or e-mail (whatever you guys do) saying you're sorry if there's anything you've done to upset her, you're sorry about how she must be feeling with the break-up, and that you're there for her when she's ready to/wants to talk. And if you haven't heard anything from her in a couple of days (??) maybe send her a check-in/thinking about you/reminder kind of message.
And you have you got anything you generally do that helps with anxiety e.g. listening to music, reciting a mantra, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques??? Even try to schedule in things to fill some of your time??? And one of those things can even be dropping by chat, games or general chat forums on here if you're running out of ideas
And maybe the Self Injury forum do you think???
So, just give her some time. This does not have to be the end of the friendship, like you said you guys have been very close.

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