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Default Oct 02, 2014 at 02:10 PM
I second sidestepper's comment, thanks Bark!
Anyway . . .

After the short spurt of motivation that inspired me to do the work I did yesterday, I'm now right back to feeling lazy. Today's weather; been swinging back and forth between cloudy and sunny. I kind of just wish it would storm, with buckets of rain and hellish lightning and everything. But no storms today. I'm feeling bad because I know I should finish cleaning my room, yet can't seem to find the energy to do it. So half of my room remains uncleaned. I'm in a bit of a mental fog right now, which makes it hard to focus on one specific task at a time. Not feeling so much depressed as I am anxious. Dad will be home from work in about ten minutes, and after he sits down for a little bit and smokes a few cigarettes I know he's going to make a trip to the liquor store. It happens almost every day now, and I hate it. I hate it because there's nothing I can do about it; no amount of wishing and hoping on my part will ever change the fact that he and Mom are going to drink. I can only hope Dad won't get the hard stuff, or I'll have a night of yelling to look forward to.
Hugs from:
Anonymous37868, Bark, hope2010, mulan, regretful, spaceid, TheOriginalMe, tigerlily84, waterknob1234
Thanks for this!