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Default Oct 05, 2014 at 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by hamster-bamster View Post
I do not have this problem, but I want to comment on your general expectation of getting one-to-one friendships out of meetups.

There is a certain enclosed space created within a meetup. I enjoy conversing with women during the meetup and enjoy seeing them again next month (I go to a monthly meetup). In fact, I very much look forward to my next meetup and seeing the women there will sure brighten up my day (evening, to be exact). But I would not want to have a separate relationship with any of those women outside of the meetup.

It is possible that you are dealing with women who have the same expectations that I have - i.e. that a meetup is a meetup and it is great, but there is a boundary around it and I would not want Meetup bleeding into the rest of my life.
I'm glad to hear that you like your meetup group- I'm not sure about the other people in my meetup groups as I have barely talked to most of them aside from saying hi. I've talked to a few one on one and in a small group setting, but I have only been able to connect with 4 women so far over the course of 2 or 3 years.

I never thought of what you mentioned above, about how some women might just want to socialize in a group setting instead of getting to know just one person outside the group. I always thought that people who go to these meetups do want to find other people to hang out with one on one or in a small group. It is possible that some people just want a group to hang out with. Thanks for pointing that out.
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