I'd like the answer to this question as well. I often admit my paranoia because I know I could be wrong. Sometimes, I know I'm wrong but I can't believe it without doubt.
I'll give a little example~ This past weekend~ I was upset because (the person I believe to be )my enemy implied, on social networking, that he was down the road from where I live because his daughter is having a baby.
Yesterday, I went outside to do some yard work and I noticed something, white, laying on the ground. I'll admit, I was hesitant and automatically wondered if it was something specific. Something from the past. It wasn't, it was a dirty shredded diaper.
Logically~ I know it's just a coincidence. Emotionally~ it's hard to believe. Today~I work up fighting the sheets. It's gonna piss me off when I realize I was delusional because I couldn't dismiss the logic
hope things are going a little better for ya.