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prettyjolie's Avatar
Member Since Sep 2006
Location: wish i was in FL
Posts: 126
Default May 07, 2007 at 03:24 PM
ok, so a couple of days ago, I finally went to see a doctor, after waiting for months and months..
i talked to a psychiatrist (thats what it said on her name tag).. She asked me all these questions.. you know the usual, about my family, school, friends, blah blah.
I told her that a doctor had sent me there because she thought i had anxiety or something..

she asked me about my symptoms and all this stuff..
It lasted for about an hour, i think..

Then, all of the sudden, she got up and went to her filing cabinet, and started going through some medicine boxes. Then she took out two sample boxes of lexapro and told me to take them..
I asked her what it was for and she said it was for anxiety/depression.

it was so weird. Then, she gave me a prescription for some other drug, for sleeping i think she said.

now, is this weird?
Do doctors prescribe medications that soon? I mean, we only talked for like an hour..

and, how will i know when it starts working?

i've never been on any medication for anything other than like tylenol...

oh, and does anyone know, has anyone been on this, and now if this is addictive? She told me it wasn't but i dont always believe doctors..

thnx <3

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
Well you just might find
You get what you need

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