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Default Oct 22, 2014 at 12:10 PM
Ok, so I have been doing this since last night. I'm starting slow and trying to remember to do it but I have done it several times this morning. I find that it does indeed give me a sense of empowerment. As soon as I make a decision to do something, snap, then do it I feel accomplished. Granted I am doing little things like touch something I normally wouldn't or just snap before doing something I normally would, but even so it helps put things in perspective. I am definitely depressed and often think there is no way out and nothing I can do about my situation. I often feel powerless, hopeless, doomed, etc. But this small simple activity reminds me that I do still have power; I do still have control; I am not doomed.

I think the reason this helps me is because the act of making a decision, snapping, then doing it proves wrong many of the negative thoughts or over-generalizations/catastrophizing thoughts. For example, I may think "I have no choice but to stay in bed and live my life in agony". This is not true and making a decision to get up and shower then snapping before doing so reassures me that I do have a choice and I do not have to stay in bed all day. Then again, if I have to stay in bed for the moment that is ok, then I can say "That's fine, body, I'll listen and stay in bed, but I'm going to decide to do meditation", snap, and it's done. So, even though my body will not cooperate with me right now, I can still make some decisions and life is not completely hopeless.

Note: My depression is very physical in how it manifests. So, I feel ok emotionally, I just have body pains/aches, GI issues, joint pain, etc that keeps me limited in what I can do. So, making decisions to do what I want to do and pushing my body sometimes is necessary and this helps me do that.

Not saying this will cure me, I do not have any grand expectations but it is a good tool to use to help remind yourself you still have control even if life is not perfect right now and that life can still be lived in some fashion.

Dx: MDD, GAD, Panic Disorder
Rx: None, too many side effects.
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Hugs from:
Anonymous200265, bipolar angel, vital
Thanks for this!
bipolar angel, connect.the.stars, vital