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Default Oct 22, 2014 at 12:19 PM
Had a check up yesterday, everything was fine except my weight and triglycerides, which were very very high, mid 500's range . Sugar, other cholesterol and other blood work was fine.

I'm wondering how much my AP is playing a role in this? I'm doing so much better than I was before I started that I'm hesitant to ask for changes. As I understand it, triglycerides are from too many unused calories, which I am not using because I don't exercise or move much, because of my back. My daily intake is around 1000 cal but I'm clearly not using those calories.

I should have asked for physical therapy, that is by appointment and I have to get up and leave to keep the appointments. I tell myself I have got to get up and go someplace but end up not doing it because it causes's a self defeating cycle, if I don't move the pain is worse when I do move, if I move the pain will get better as I move more......there is an activity center connected to my doctors but I can't hear well so I avoid much talking among each other I feel like an outcast.

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