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Skasen_03's Avatar
Member Since Nov 2014
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 29
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Default Nov 18, 2014 at 03:08 AM
I totally understand where you are coming from. I too have OCD and struggle with intense fears that come with it. For me, my most recent one came with a delusion from one of my other disorders. I believed that the government was trying to round everyone up and put us in FEMA concentration camps. Everywhere I looked I saw something about FEMA and it terrified me. I eventually was afraid to open books, the computer, turn on the TV, go outside even because I thought if I encountered FEMA too much then the government would come and kill me so I couldn't stop their plan. For me all it took was upping my antipsychotic to take away the delusion and the OCD fear went with it. So definitely be completely honest with your pdoc about how much it is affecting you and how it is making you feel. Unfortunately some medications must persist throughout life...but I'm stopping my meds right now for Bipolar hoping I can do it without this time so I know where you're coming from. If you need anything I'm here.
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