Dear allme, we all make mistakes in judgement. Being perfectly attuned to another person is not my native skill.
Maybe he was treating you badly but he couldn't help it. It isn't easy being around a sick person. I know from experience - lol
Just don't play the blame game. Start again. Maybe you are overtired. A good night's sleep maybe the way to go. If you sleep together and he is sick maybe camping out on the couch would be good for you..
If you are on meds, maybe it is time for your pdoc to adjust, or begin them if you are not.
Non reaction is a skill we can develop with mindfulness training with counting the breath from 1 to 10. 1 inhale 2 exhale 3 inhale etc to 10 then return to one if you reach 10 or mess up the count. I often end up on 17. no worry, no blame
Try it and see if there are less pesky thoughts. Early in AM when I awaken and before sleeping are good times.