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Default Nov 28, 2014 at 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by ladytiger View Post
"Women just seem more interested in their home lives than in friendships outside the home. Their husbands become their main friends."

Agreed. I have seen that, although, he his her primary but a woman does need friendships besides her hubby. I need close female friends, close friendships all take time. I am 28 with no kids most people either in my age group and seen younger women with children - why do I have to settle for friends with kids? I didn't grow up with a lot of kids. If you got grown kids, not a problem for me. I want new friends don't care if they are married or not I am just very different, think like a man I just don't want the white picket fence lifestyle. My ex-therapist said that's selfish of me coming from a mom herself and told her how can I make friends who are like me?
I'm married w/o any kids either. It seems like most women who have kids seem to only want to befriend other women with kids. I'm open to friendships with women with kids, but they never seem to have the time or interest in becomin friends with me most of the time.

Your ex-therapist is an idiot. Not wanting to have kids does not make you a selfish person at all. It's your life, your body, and your choice after all, and no one else's.
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