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Default Dec 15, 2014 at 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by AncientMelody View Post
It sounds like it's time to try a medication other than the traditional stimulants. Your options are:

-Intuniv: A blood pressure medication that has been found to help in a small portion of patients with ADD. It stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors in the prefrontal cortex which is thought to help improve inattention.

-Wellbutrin: An antidepressant that inhibits neuronal uptake of norepinephrine and dopamine uptake. It is more energizing than most other antidepressants, so may be "stimulating" for ADD but the exact mechanism for its effect is uncertain (as with many other psychotropic meds!)

-Strattera: strictly indicated for ADD use (for now). Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

best of luck to you! keep us up to date on what your doctor and you decide to do next.
I'm intrigued by Intuniv, but one of my concerns is that it seems to really work for people with hyperactivity because it "mellows" you out. One of the biggest problems I have with Inattentive ADD is that I have the opposite of hyperactivity, I find it hard to move and hard to get going as it is, plus all the other meds that I'm on weighing me down, and I can't afford to be that worn or weighed down since I'm already struggling to find employment that I'm able to handle. I'd be worried that it would just make me more fatigued.

As far as Wellbutrin goes, I was on it about 5 years ago for chronic depression and for anxiety after developing PTSD (before my ADHD diagnosis) and I had horrible effects from it. I was angry and irritable, I had more intrusive thoughts than normal, etc. I'm on an SNRI (Cymbalta) and I noticed a huge improvement after starting it about 8 months ago, but not enough to make me feel like I'd done enough to try since I'm still struggling.

Since Straterra is an NRI, could I take it with Cymbalta? For some reason taking an NRI and SNRI together makes me think I'm going to just fall over from happy chemical overdose (lol, trying to make a joke on a MI forum sucks, sorry). I'm not sure how they interact with each other. I'm also worried about Straterra since I've heard so many bad things, plus watched my fiance go through a real struggle with this medication. I'm worried that if I take this, it will exacerbate my anger/irritation/negative intrusive thoughts and I'll be in a worse place than when I started. I'm just worried about becoming a danger to myself or of losing control for a while (which has happened before when switching meds, I'm pretty stable right now but it can change quickly).

Thanks for your reply!

- Trileptal 600 MG - Wellbutrin 100 MG - Saphris 5 MG
- Vyvanse 70 MG - Adderall 10 MG - Buspar 15 MG -
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