Originally Posted by Lexi232
 do you have a way to explain how it will be different, and how it can be prevented of further problems? if the judge asks.
are there any advocates around where you, that isnt within this one company?
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Well, I contacted AdvoCard. I got told to ring them back in the new year, but I don't think autism is one of their practices. And I would rather not start off 2015 by dwelling on this stuff even more, but I know it will probably be haunting me for good now. And I know I have a right to be angry, because I have to dispute whether this bull crap was ever necessary. Nobody appreciates being lied to and betrayed.
I had a shift with this guy today and he said the reason the senior I had asked to come to court is not going on Friday is because I wanted her to be there to assign blame to the agency.
OK. Fair enough. But it seems they have just gone and ditched me during what is a crucial point in time. They do not want to take any accountability for their actions, so it is much better for them to leave me flat and see what happens on the big day without directly being involved in the outcome. Gee, thanks.
I know I should not have broken a bottle, sarcastically touched a woman on the chest (I did this smarmy act after being semi-accused of hitting on women) and going to people's houses, even if my intent was just to offer an apology. But I tried telling the higher-ups long ago that had the two aforementioned support people come back to my team, they could have saw progress happen in a positive way.
Rather, they know I had feelings for them and in their view, that is bad for the boundaries, so they claim they had to pull them off of my team. When I told this guy today that it was becoming a pattern (me complimenting someone and others reporting that), he said not to tell anyone in the future, because it can come across you are overly interested in that person, especially if it is a female, but it may apply to a guy worker too. So that is something to keep in mind, for the future!
Meanwhile, maybe you can add your two cents to my thread instead of this one, as this particular thread is about somebody else.