There's no right way, like Christina said it takes being armed from many different angles and being equipped with a large degree of insight.
I didn't plan to be med free, it was a highly impulsive decision after being completely stupified by lithium. I didn't enjoy being dumb as a rock and my pdoc wouldn't help me, so out the window my meds went.
Luckily for me at that point I already had a stellar support system and had been actively using my coping skills and living a mostly bipolar friendly life for over a year...
Firstly, I would not recommend cold turkey, it was one of my worst experiences. Ever
Secondly, I would not go into it blindly or lightly. Nor is living as if you don't have a care in the world a wise way to go about it. Planet denial is a lonely place. Being med free requires just as much, if not more responsibility for taking care of yourself. There is no chemical safety net, no FDA approved cushioning to soften your fall... Ignoring or dismissing your symptoms would be akin to trying to walk around on a broken leg. You'll be going nowhere slowly. And Extremely Painfully.
Each of us are individuals, each of us have our individual brand of bipolar, which means we all have individual methods that work.
It's a very personal path, one that cannot be walked for you, not by a pdoc nor a peer.
Meds have helped alot of people, for some they're literal life savers, but for others like myself, they're not worth the trouble they cause annnd they're also an express ticket to suicideville.
I'm much safer without the temptation of death by meds within my reach. Nothing else in my house can achieve what I would want when severely depro, I want to be a pretty corpse after all, and pills can give me that.