Originally Posted by AstridLovelight
I've been unmedicated since June. It's been no picnic. But I was having a rough time on the meds too before that.
I take vitamin D and that helps some with the depression ... maybe even makes me slightly hypomanic. If there's a natural mood stabilizer out there, though, I've yet to find it.
I'm probably going to go back on meds at some point, but I'm terrified of them.
If you are looking for something i had some luck with St. Johns Wart for depression, and 10 mg doses of lithiam oratate for hypomania, taken as needed sometimes i used more than 10 mg.
large doses of vitamin c, or nician have also been found to help deprression. All of these can be bought at a local vitamin shop. Maybe they'll help you. I use them from time to time, but i have since gotten on medicine because my symptoms started to get out of hand