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Default Jan 09, 2015 at 08:38 PM
They have tried to make me have it numerous times. One time by force, but I was proven sane enough to make my own choice thankgod.

Each time I have done my research and discovered it is not much more effective than med treatment for people my age AND the majority of people still have to be highly medicated after receiving it? I would have thought if it was so good for depression people would be able to live off meds after? I honestly dont see the point if you are still needing to be on heavy duty meds anyway. AND many need repeat treatments throughout their life.

I know of people here who use it as a quick fix. Something bad happens in their life ie a relationship break up, and they are straight back to getting their brain fried as they dont want to use the coping skills and therapy instead - a direct quote "ECT was easier". That is incredibly horrifying that it is available to people like that. ECT should be a last resort, not something patients do to get out of doing the hard yards like the rest of us.

(Post note, I am not implying anyone from this thread used ECT like this, but it is happening and is frightening that people see it as a quick fix when it has a magnitude of side effects and long term issues related to it.)
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