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Default Jan 13, 2015 at 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Breadfish View Post
Today was my 14th treatment; I have treatments twice a week.
It's a bit depressing how everyone I have ECT "with" (the people I see in the recovery room of the hospital) only need a few treatments before they are gone (= they have improved so much that they don't need the treatments anymore) and I'm still barely improving. I'm generally doing a bit better on the day I have the ECT and my parents are noticing some very miniscule improvements, mostly that I try to get relief from the feelings of guilt by helping around the house a tiny bit (I once cleaned up the bath after having a bath, and last weekend we had people visiting so I helped my mom clean out the dishwasher so she could get back to the visitors) whereas before I didn't have the energy to do things like that. But some of my other symptoms have actually worsened in the last few weeks.
Maybe you just need more treatments. Hang in there!
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