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Default May 25, 2007 at 11:18 AM
<font color="#000088"> It's pretty crazy when your own family turns on you for asking for help.When they need it to.I wouldn't have judged them if they asked for help to.But they consider that wrong.They think that what happened behind those closed doors was a family secret and meant to stay a secret.It's a lot easier for the members of the family that weren't victimized,to keep it a secret,because they weren't the one's that were tortured,and the one's that did it,ofcourse they don't want to go to jail,that's a no brainer! But for the females,it's not a fair demand for us to keep our mouth shut or he(my oldest brother) will kill us! I didn't care about his threat,because I would have rather died.But it did keep my sister quiet.So she's screwed up in the head,but still loved by the family.I'm hated,and targeted,because I told. But by the time I was able to move away,and report it,where I would be safe,the State claimed that it was passed the Statute of Limitations to do anything about it,even though my brother was working at an Elementary School as the Head Custodian,and could,and probably was abusing students at that school! They wouldn't even investigate it! So I knew he had been yelling and argueing with my step-mom,which is elderly,so I called the Division of Family services,and the police in the state he was in,and sent them to my Dad's house where his new wife and he lived and reported him for elderly abuse.They just happened to arrive while he was yelling at her!
So they escorted him off the property,told him he was not to return,and now he is not allowed to live in a house with an elderly person,and they have an open file on him for being abusive towards the elderly! So at least I got him for something! My step-mom was shocked at the help she recieved,and had no idea where it came from.I told her,he abused me enough,I wasn't going to let him get you to! She still loves me today for sending her help,from California,when she was in Utah! </font>
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