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Default Jan 22, 2015 at 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by johnnypsp View Post
Dear therapist,
My name is sanchit srivastava ,when i was in 10th grade my friends jokingly started accusing me of stealing a pen and started calling me a thief and because of that i had to leave the school i cry everyday remembering that incident and i think about it every second of my life .i feel really bad because i hadn't stolen it .Can you give me any strategy or any other sort of help to tackle this problem??
Hello johnnypsp,

We are a peer-led support group, welcome. I think it is awful that you had to leave school through being accused of stealing a pen. Were you made to leave or did you feel you had to? If you didn't take the pen, that sounds like bullying to me. You could write to the school and let them know that you did not steal the pen and explain that other people made you feel bad about it. Sounds like this has caused you great anguish, please go and see a doctor so that they can assess whether you are depressed.



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