Originally Posted by slinky04789
I am here not for myself, but actually my father who I believe is suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder runs in my family and several of my cousins along with my grandfather have been diagnosed. My dad is in denial that he has a problem and yet he has all the classic symptoms. I guess my question for everyone here is how do i get him help if he is unwilling to accept that he has a problem? Should i talk to a physician? I am pretty desperate at this point. I honestly can't live with my dad the way he is; if he doesn't seek help he will destroy my family. Any help would be extremely appreciated
I am not here for myself either. My daughter who is 21 was recently diagnosed, and just like you it runs in the family. My daughter doesn't seem 100 percent to be accepting my help, however I decidedthat sice this disease can lead to suicide that I would rather try to do something about it rather than nothing at all. The question I asked myself was if my daughter did kill herself would I be able to live with myself knowing that I held back pushing my daughter to get help when she wasn't receptive to accepting help. The answer for me was no. I would start with counseling. First with yourself and then with your father. A good psychologist can help lead you in the right direction, and also help you to keep sane during the process. Our counselor told me that for the people who don't understand the disease, ignorance is not an excuse, that should allow someone to give up or not be supportive. Good luck!