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Default Jan 31, 2015 at 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Chickpea321 View Post
I have bipolar I and I feel like the dysphoric mania is mostly controlled now (I'm feeling less irritable, I sleep more - and more regularly, I'm not spending as compulsively as I had been). But can the depressive episodes occur alone if one has bipolar I with mixed states? Because I still feel the despair almost daily (without the energy, etc.) and I'm so withdrawn, isolated, and hopeless. Also, could Wellbutrin help if I'm already taking Lamictal and Latuda for mood stabilization? I do take Adderall as well, and I know Wellbutrin can increase the serum concentration of stimulants. If I cut back my dose of Adderall and asked my p-doc about adding Wellbutrin, can anybody tell me if they've been on this combo and if it worked for them? I just don't feel like I can continue to live with such debilitating depression and I need to find something that will help.

Thanks for any advice.

I dont know about all that mediation stuff, I take anti-convulsants. I have bipolar II disorder, and I think I have ADD too, and now panic disorder. so theres three things I have to constantly battle. I am so depressed from the panic attacks, they hurt man, and their humiliating. Like I'd take the depression over panic attacks any day. but luckily I have both lol.

Anyway I also sometimes think that I cant continue like this, but you have to remember its just part of the disorder. You are more than bipolar. you are who you are with bipolar disorder. focus on those features. Plus bipolar disorder has its advantages. therefore, try your best to focus on those. It would be like a diabetic labeling himself only a patient.

Its a biological disorder and the psycho-evolutionary theory for it is that basically it may have originated in individuals who lived in extremely high changing climates.

In the winter we need to store energy therefore depression begins, and then in the summer we need the mania and hyperness to collect food and what not.

This is just a theory, but it would be important to track your mood and look for triggers. are you impacted by the seasons? please dont harm urself its not worth it and build yourself proper social support.

I should be happy right now my life is going well but im just always sad now, Im so tiered of it sometiems and with the panic attacks I wanna just end my life. its very hard. I feel like the old me is gone, and I miss that person. now Im just a sick person and all I wanna do is not be that. so I focus on those features that make me me.

I think yes you can get depression alone in mixed cycling (ask the psychiatrist)

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