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Default May 30, 2007 at 03:58 AM
Withit, I don't know if I can help you here. I've never been one for hugging with husband. Oh he would be more than willing, he really is a great guy, he has the typical man traits too where sometimes you know a hug isn't just about having a hug LOL, but I feel my own emotional and intimate distancing so much now, where as before I thought somewhere in the back of my mind that it was because I maybe didn't really love my Husband, or if it was someone else, some perfect husband, someone I'd yet to meet,then it would be like the movies from Hollywood portray, the fallilng into each others arms and the perfect hugging and crassing and saying the just right things to each other, when its crap, yet again another brain washing effect of the world we live in.

Since entering therapy and me unwinding myself I feel more emotionally intimate inside, my wanting to have a more mature emotional and intimate relationship is starting to grow, but its not something that grows like a 3rd arm that you make use of every minute of the day.

Its more in passing moments, and its nothing I would feel the need to gloat about to friends about how I want this perfect emotional and intimate relationship, because I use to hide behind the "talk" of it when it was missing from within me.

I can't plan it, all I do is try and step up to the moment. Sometimes it feels just right, others it feels messy, its like life, you cant bottle it, it just happens teh way it does, and I feel the way I do.

Sometimes me and hubby are on the right page, others we not, and thats find, relationships are like rubber bands, they stretch they ping then they fall back to size.
Have I made sense?

"I'm just an imperfect humanbeing"
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