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Default Mar 04, 2015 at 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Claritytoo View Post
So much of my system is based on logic. I think that is how we all got here. We had to survive so we logically did the only thing we could do to survive make others to take on what was too much. It is interesting that you use reference logic because that is what happened in this situation. I was spoken to in a mean manor but at the time I didn't feel anything. In my head I heard "hey who are you talking to like that" but I ignored it and left telling the person they owed me an apology next time we talk. It wasn't until much later that I started to think of how mean this person was. And how uncalled for the behavior was. I started thinking "shouldn't I have been more angry, shouldn't I have felt anger at the uncalled for meanness. But these thoughts were prompted by "logic". I could not fit my reaction at the time, into what I was thinking was a logical reaction to what was said. Or maybe I just didn't switch when the person was being mean to me. Maybe I would have had to switch in order to feel anger. So not expecting such an onslaught of meaness I didn't switch at the time but later when we go home and started to talk about, some got angry and than I felt the anger. So I wouldn't have felt it at the time if I didn't switch. But felt it later while we were disusing what happened. Weird. Why wouldn't I have switched? I was in a hurry but that doesn't usually get in the way. I did feel a little foggy when I left. I am not sure what happened.
I'm so almost split down the middle it's not funny. Most of me is directed by feelings and emotion. Sure some of our members are logical, but the emotional ones have ruled the roost. You say or do something, I come alive like someone instantly took over and is going to kick some butt for dissing us, like someone sprung a bear trap. I can be so wrong at times offering up damage control.

This is much more than quick to anger. We also have "mr cool logic " that you can't piss off that rarely shows up. I wouldn't read too much into this.
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