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Default Jun 07, 2007 at 02:31 PM
Hi EJ... so sorry to hear you are going through a tough time right now. It must be very frustrating to not be mobile and active. It's times like this when the bigger issues in our life crowd in on our thinking. It's like when one bad thing happens all the other not so good things in our life come to chime in on the *****ing party. This isn't the time to make any life altering decision. Your first priority is to get your ankle strong again. I'm sure you are bored and sick and tired of sitting around waiting for it to heal. It will heal and you will be your old self again. It will just take a little more time. A little more patience and a little more self-directed compassion. You also need some new distractions. Things that can keep you from trying to tackle the bigger issues in your life until you are stronger and able again to see the whole picture.

Good on you for sharing your frustration with folks here. We can support you and encourage you and let you know how much we appreciate you. This time will pass and you will be strong again. Everything else must wait.

Take good care of yourself.... here for you when you need to vent or share or just say hello to someone who understands.
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