Thread: Venting
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stephen.davidson.5's Avatar
Member Since May 2014
Posts: 80
Default Mar 29, 2015 at 07:14 AM
Thank you,
You have no idea how much that means to me.
Everyone I turn to, had no idea what I'm going through,
Yes, their friend is in hospital,
She's my beautifulness, but she's not. This person, is horrible! She won't even let me talk to her, she won't let me see her.
I miss my Rebecca, and this one gets angry when I tell her how much I love her.
I don't know if she is trying to hurt me, but she's tearing me up, and I'm scared she means it.
I can't keep up this act I am putting on for my family,
Pretending everything is fine, while I am breaking.

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