Apr 01, 2015 at 01:54 PM
I have traits of PPD. I feel watched, not that im paranoid in the sense of being followed and spied, its more that Im very afraid i do sth wrong and people critisize me for that.
Dx: Mix anhedonia with Bipolar II. Add some insomnia and chronic stress. Season with paroxetine and a pinch of ADD. Stir well to induce a couple of hypo/manic episodes. After the excess of energy is gone, remove the Paroxetine and serve chilled with some C-PTSD and GAD. Ready is your MDD.
Mx: To clean up the mess use lamotrigine, risperidon, mirtazapine and sertraline. Let it soak in for a while but keep a close eye on it. Meanwhile enjoy your desert of oxazepam/temazepam prn.