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Default Jun 17, 2007 at 09:24 AM
Me has a woman? Damn I only just get by has a man, I wouldn’t say I was ugly but to best describe myself I would use this quote “ I have a face like a bulldog licking pee of a nettle” so my options are going to be very limited.

I would go to Soho first to the lesbian bars and get laid, not only would they show me exactly what to do has a woman with my new body but I would be able to use that knowledge when I revert back to a male, I don’t think I would sleep with a man though, has a woman, as I would only be a woman for a week and the rest of my life I would be back has a man and have to find a way to deal with that other than denial, the new memories I will possess would or should help me to better understand how a woman’s body works though.

One major thing I would have to learn, and this is important, is how to be *****y to other women, I am sure with a bit of practice I can master this skill, though not to the uber advanced level of some of you in here, I don’t think the down and dirty fist fighting male approach would work to well but I am sure I will be able to adapt.

The only drawback I see to this is I would have to bathe everyday for a week so has not to blow my cover, small sacrifice but I will deal with it, that is what therapy’s for…………..