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Default Jun 23, 2007 at 11:27 PM
there is a lot of controversy over the distinction between 'pornography' and 'art'. one of the distinctions that makes the most sense to me (at first glance anyway) is based on the intentions of the 'artist' and the intentions of the 'viewer'.

if the work is made with the intention of producing a sexual response in viewers (to be used as a masterbation aid, for example) or if someone views it with the intention of getting a sexual response from it (using it as a masterbation aid, for example) then i guess i'd call it porn.

i don't like pornography because i think it is degrading to the people involved in it. i know that some people say they freely choose to be involved in it - but then look at the rates of sexual and physical abuse in the people who choose to be involved.

i also don't like pornography because i think it encourages people to view others as objects.