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Default May 11, 2015 at 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by NyxAngel View Post
Hey All,
I’m new here, I’ve already posted an introduction in the New Members section as well as the BPD forum, but my doc says I'm Bipolar, so I wanted to introduce myself here.

I have had multiple diagnoses in the past, and they all fit in their own ways. Major Depressive Disorder, yes, I am most likely to be depressed; Major Anxiety Disorder, yes, I’m prone to panic attacks; and Bipolar Disorder, yes, I switch from one extreme to the other, usually, however, I don’t top out the manic scale and there is no cycle, I can be “fine” one minute and one wrong sentence later can be nearly in a rage. In the last couple of years, I have begun to over-react to EVERYTHING, something as simple as a co-worker answering the phone incorrectly sets me off to screaming and cussing, a simple typo makes me want to throw things, and something as stupid as my mother buying the wrong brand of something can send me into tears. Even as I’m over-reacting I can tell that I’m doing it, but cannot seem to make myself stop. I feel like that spoiled teenager that got the wrong colored car for her birthday and flipped out about it. I hate being this way, I HATE myself. I fear that even my family, who are all used to dealing with mental illnesses, is starting to hate me, and I can’t even blame them for it. (No, they have never told me that they are tired of or that they hate me, this fear may very well be symptomatic.)

I had my first doctor's appointment in 4 years on Thursday. He says he thinks I'm Bipolar, but told me not to worry about the name, that we would work on the symptoms. He started me on Seroquel XR 200mg and gave me a low dose of Xanax to take only as needed for panic attacks.

My doc says that a percentage of people with Bipolar don't cycle. Do you?

How have you done on Seroquel XR? Anything I should be watching for?

After taking my first dose of Seroquel I slept for 15 hours, woke up for about half an hour and went back to sleep for another 4 hours. I might have just been exhausted, I've been averaging 3-4 hours of sleep a night/day. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Did it go away once you got used to it?

The pharmacy pamphlet that came with the Seroquel said I should watch for over-heating. Is this something you've had to deal with? If you over-heat easily and the medicine makes you gain weight, how do you watch your weight?

I know that I have more questions, but I can't think of them right now. In fact, I have a hard time remembering much of anything these days, is this a "Bipolar thing"?
Most of what you described is Borderline related. Have you tried DBT yet?
They'll tend to diagnose as Bipolar even though it is not the actual cause because its easier to get meds/insurance etc. Switching between moods that quickly is not BP.

As for the questions -

I cycle but very long and not predictable cycles. So its not like winter depression and summer mania. I was 4 years stable, 2 yrs depressed, up to 9 months hypomanic, 8 months mixed etc all at different periods. I mostly depressed but that is becoming more and more agitated each time it happens.

Seroquel will sedate, 200 isnt that large a dose for XR you can easily function on it if you need it, if you dont need it, it'll make you sleep a lot. Gave up watching my weight on seroquel or zyprexa, doesnt matter what you do unless you are really lucky you are going to gain weight. Seroquel munchies are like nothing on earth but XR isnt so bad, especially at such a low dose.
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