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Default May 12, 2015 at 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
My thoughts exactly. Bipolar cycles -- it's the nature of the beast.
Thank You! I’ve always thought this was a major part of a Bipolar diagnosis and since I’ve lived with a manic-depressive for the better part of 30 years, I’m not exactly new to this.
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
BPD goes back and forth with extremes of emotion and is that way consistantly (consistantly inconsistant you might say). Also, it is driven by interaction with others. The way one feels is reactive. (Someone says/does something and it sets off how you feel.) Something happens, and boom! instant (over) reaction. It also brings on a lot of assumptions regarding motivation (this or that happened/didn't happen = they must hate me! Etc.)
This describes me perfectly.
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Anyhow, I'm sorry to hear that it's so hard to get in to see a Pdoc there. Alas, GPs are almost invariably out of their depth in psych issues. In the meanwhile or whatever, you may want to check into something called DBT (dialetical behavior therapy).
I hadn’t heard of DBT before coming to Psych Central, but I will certainly educate myself further about it, thanks for the tip!

Originally Posted by JustMeJen5294 View Post
I live where there aren't psychiatrists either.
I drive to a city to see my psychiatrist. It's 2.5 hours each way (I maybe could see someone closer than that if I could find a Medicare provider who accepts bipolar patients--the last time I tried to find someone closer (an hour) I was turned down in 5/6 places and the 6th place put me on the waiting list. It's been 12 years so I'm thinking they are maybe not going to call me back? ).
Is there any chance of going to a city and at least getting a firm diagnosis and some suggestions about treatment? Even if you only went once or a few times you may gain something from it.
I was put on a waiting list around 5 or 6 years ago, too. Maybe there’s still a chance… lol As for finding one in another city there is no open psychiatrist in 100 mile radius according to the Find Help tool this site has and that’s pretty much what any doc finder will show and I can’t drive which makes getting there potentially problematic.

Originally Posted by quasicrystalline View Post
As for Seroquel, I was practically a zombie on it. I eventually adjusted to it and didn't sleep as much, but at first, I could've slept 20 hours if someone let me. I didn't notice overheating. My biggest side effect was increased thirst/dry mouth. I gained about ten pounds really fast on it and then didn't gain anything after that.
My memory is definitely affected, but I'd agree with others that it might be the sleep issues so many of us have.
All I’ve done, so far, is work and sleep, but I haven’t really tried to much else since I’ve been working 12 hour shifts since I started taking it. I can already tell that this effect is lessening, I even managed to watch a movie last night before I went to sleep, but I’ll admit to not really remembering the ending. (It was a 2 ½ hour movie.) I’m interested to see how my first day off work will go. My memory is already so bad I’m not sure I would even notice if it got any worse, lol.

Originally Posted by UCMATH View Post
I'm gonna call your GP out on this one. This doesn't sound anything like Bipolar Disorder to me. I'd bet every penny I have on this being Borderline, and I don't gamble (obviously, I can't actually diagnose you). Is there any way you can get a second opinion from a pdoc? Even one or two visits might help. You'd probably have to pay out of pocket, but it could be worth it. Seroquel is a heavy drug to be taking when you don't know if you even have Bipolar. I wouldn't trust a GP with that kind of medication, and I don't think they should be allowed to diagnose Bipolar (personal opinion). And yes, it will make you feel like a zombie every time you take it.
Thank you. I seriously cannot tell you all how relieved I am that you agree about me not sounding Bipolar. My mother is convinced that I just don’t want to have the same thing as her. I couldn’t care less what it’s called, as long as it stops, or at least comes under control. I’m still thinking about finding a GP closer to home, anyway, so I may still do that. My first/last appointment with the GP was last Thursday and he already has me scheduled for this coming Thursday, so he does at least understand that I need to be closely monitored with this stuff. My old GP wouldn’t have seen me again for another 3 months.
Originally Posted by UCMATH View Post
Do you happen to have access to a therapist? While Bipolar Disorder is primarily treated with drugs, Borderline is usually treated with long-term psychotherapy.
I think he plans on setting me up with one. I used to see a wonderful therapist in the same office as my GP, but he unfortunately retired, so there’s paperwork/referrals/stuff to be done I suppose to see if this one will accept me as a patient.

Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Lots of great advice given. Of course none of us can diagnose , we just go by what we have learned ourselves. It's very common to be BP and BPD its a very common combo, Brings up the suckiness level for sure. Bp typically is a mood swing that last at least 1-2 weeks minimun. BPD is a in the moment swing, highly emotional happy to flipping your shyt in 60 seconds is the trademark of BPD.
A bipolar that doesn't cycle ? Bwhahahahh yeah , Nope not a thing at all.
I’m just glad what you’ve all learned matches what I’ve learned. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to find that I have a combination.
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Seoquel? yeah it will slam you into a sleep coma, especially if you have been getting little to no sleep. Sleep coma is a good thing, Did the same to me years ago. As for all the nasty lil side effects that is possible well, you need to probably weight the pros and cons once your more rested and thinking a bit clearer.. so unless hitting side effects you just can not handle.. Just sit with the medication for a while..... few weeks at least. It is a heavy hitter.

I do think there were a combination of factors helping that sleep coma along. The research I’ve done so far says that Seroquel is also a treatment for BPD and so far sleep is the only side effect I’ve noticed, except for a slight strange buzzy(?) feeling when I first get up, I’ve had much worse side effects with other medications, so I’m gonna keep trying it. The decision to go with Seroquel was made after considering the long list of other medications that didn’t help me or made me worse. The doc wants to try a mood stabilizer before playing with anti-depressants and from what I’ve read this seems like the appropriate response no matter which diagnosis is correct.

Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
CBT and DTB is so helpful and the latter is really the only treatment for BPD. So while waiting to see a Pdoc get in to a therapy setting or just a support group. Anything can help . Get educated, YOU need to be your own best advocate.
I am determined not to get pushed around by my GP this time. I would get so anxious just going to my old GP that once I got there I’d go along with whatever he decided just so I could get out of his office as fast as possible. I’m no longer allowed to go to the doctor alone.

Originally Posted by Supanova View Post
Most of what you described is Borderline related. Have you tried DBT yet?
Not yet, I intend to look into it immediately.
Originally Posted by Supanova View Post
Seroquel will sedate, 200 isnt that large a dose for XR you can easily function on it if you need it, if you dont need it, it'll make you sleep a lot. Gave up watching my weight on seroquel or zyprexa, doesnt matter what you do unless you are really lucky you are going to gain weight. Seroquel munchies are like nothing on earth but XR isnt so bad, especially at such a low dose.
I already weigh 250lbs, so gaining more isn’t really a huge deal for me, but I already overheat easily, so that’s why I was wondering about that particular side effect.

Yet another question, when there area lot of posts to respond to should I do it all in one post like this one, or do one post for each person?
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