Originally Posted by ChipperMonkey
Ok, by the time you're in your late 20's you should be able to tell your parents that you're going to go out and not have to explain WHO you are going to see or anything like that. I understand that she lives with them, but at the same time, you've gotta cut the apron strings at some point, right? If her excuse is valid, she's overly bonded with her parents and doesn't have healthy separation from them given her age.
I think you may have to accept that shes a text only sort of friend and leave it at that. Maybe move on to find other friends IRL.
I think its not her the issue. She did tell me she wanted her freedom for obvious reasons.So its not like she wanted that situation..
No I'm good with my IRL friends and very grateful for them.Yeah I may have to accept that too.the texting only aspect